BOLTON Anglers Association are to hold the J C Best Memorial match on Gleaves Reservoir on October 24.

Teams of four and individuals can take part. To book on ring Dave Hanson on 0161 761 7441.

BRADSHAW Hall Fisheries is to stage a youngsters' Fur and Feather match on October 27. There are two age groups, under and over 12s and the £3 entry fee includes a free lunch.To book on ring 01204 301197.

NOT many members of Shore Top AC turned up for the Naylor Cup match, but those that did found that the conditions conspired against them to put the carp off feeding.

Mick Booth found skimmers and roach on the tip and his weight of 11lbs-9ozs was the best of the day. Les Salmon was second with an all skimmer bag of 7lbs-4ozs.