32IT will be a silent night in Horwich this Christmas - for the first time in nearly 200 years.

The town's only full pealing bells at Holy Trinity Church, Church Street, are in desperate need of repair, and, thanks to an appeal launched to save them, enough money has been raised to start the restoration process.

But the work requires the complete removal of the frame and bells - which weigh between 158kg (423lbs) and 654kg (1,752lbs) each - from the tower for at least two months.

And since they are to be removed next month, it is unlikely they will be returned until after the New Year.

A total of £44,000 is needed to restore the eight bells to working order and repair the bell frame and tower.

So far £23,000 has been collected since the appeal was launched in May.

The bells have rung out across Horwich since 1831, including every year on Christmas Day and on Remembrance Sunday.

Arthur Green, bell master at Holy Trinity, who has been ringing the bells for almost 30 years, said: "It will be a bit quiet, but they will be back in time for Easter, which in my eyes is the most important occasion. It has to be done because if we don't get them repaired they will be gone forever."

Mr Green urged fund-raisers to continue their hard work, because funds are not yet in place for restorations to the bell tower.

Anyone wanting to help can send donations to The Rector, Holy Trinity Church, c/o The Rectory, Chorley Old Road, Horwich, Bolton, BL6 6AX.