BULLDOZERS have moved in to create the largest fishing complex in Europe.

work to create a network of canals nearly a mile long has begun at Bradshaw Fisheries as part of a state-of-the-art centre which can be used by anglers with severe disabilities.

The £300,000 scheme - which it is hoped will attract major international fishing tournaments to the area - was made possible thanks to the generosity of the local community.

Schools, householders and firms chipped in with donations of cash and materials after funding for the project fell through.

The chain of 12 feet wide channels will be filled with 25,000 litres of water and 100,000 course fish before the centre opens next July. It will feature 100 fishing platforms, available for all anglers to enjoy as facilities and fishing positions will be fully accessible to unaided wheelchair users.

The canals, off Slack Lane, will be filled with water from natural springs and by a pump which will draw water out from 100 metres under the ground.

John Kelly, part owner of Bradshaw Hall Fisheries Community Project, said: "There is not another fishing centre like this in the country and it will put the village on the map.

"We want to use it to get as many people into angling as possible.

"It will allow disabled people to come here and fish independently without anyone running around after them.

"This has been a real community effort and we are so grateful to everyone who has helped us."

John and his partners opened Bradshaw Fisheries after buying up the land which contains eight lakes in 1999.

Around 200 people visit the centre to fish every day, including disabled groups of youngsters and clubs from deprived areas.

It is hoped that the new complex will become a haven for all forms of wildlife including dragonflies, kingfishers, toads, mink and frogs.

Bradshaw councillor Diana Brierley said: "This is a brilliant idea which will have an enormous impact on the area.

"I think it is fantastic that disabled people will be able to benefit from this development."