ADAMNING new report tells us that Britain's town centres are rapidly becoming carbon copies of each other, and warns that, unless we can figure out how to weed some of the chainstores from our high streets, we will all end up living in clone towns.

I don't know how much money was wasted on this report, which simply tells us what most of us already know. However, it might be a good read for the planners in Bolton who are seriously considering turning our unique Market Hall into yet another super shopping mall, full of shops that fill almost every other town and city in Britain.

By all means, bring these shops to Bolton in other proposed new developments, but please think seriously about the Market Hall.

I am not against redevelopment of the Market Hall, in fact it is badly in need of it. We should create a balcony of shops all round the Hall -- craft shops, clothes shops, book shops selling new and used books, florists, herbalists, cafes, antique and collectors shops, all unique to Bolton.

On the ground floor space there should be a seven-day-a-week flea-type market, with stalls selling goods both new and used. These stalls should be portable so that, on occasions, the floor could be cleared and used for special indoor events.

What a unique venue this would then be, with a gallery of "unique to Bolton" shops all round the Hall, and just next door the ultra modern Market Place.

Brian Derbyshire

Ribchester Grove
