ISN'T it about time that someone put the council right about the proposed "face-lift" of the Market Hall?

Do they not realise that the only reason people go to places like The Trafford Centre, Middlebrook or Cheshire Oaks is that they can park "Free of charge".

Bolton will never draw more visitors while they continue to charge such ridiculously high parking fees, so it won't matter how many Next, River Island or New Look shops there are here, they will still remain as half-full of customers as they are now.

Take away our wonderful Market Hall and the core of Bolton will be lost for ever. People already come from far afield to visit it -- they are valuable customers who will not take the time and trouble to travel to Bolton any more once it has been cloned like every other town. They visit now for the friendliness of the helpful shopkeepers and the individuality of the unique stalls. Where else would you find Bobby's Fashions, Kendo, true butchers (where are there any others in the town centre?), a traditional herbalist, reasonably priced shoe shops, a hardware shop, lovely cafes and duty free perfumes?

Most older people do not want to shop in designer boutiques, they just want to catch a local bus to town and shop where they feel most comfortable - their local Market Hall.

So, Bolton Council, if you wish, open up the basement for yet another Next, an Oasis, a Principles, or whatever so-called high street shops you think we need, but please be loyal to Bolton, keep our Market Hall traders as they are and do not force them out by increasing their rents. Bolton needs and wants them - otherwise we will just become yet another cloned, boring town with nothing to interest visitors from outside.

J Rey
