THE Dunscar monument is in memory of people who GAVE their lives for this country, some of whom were little older than the 15-year-old featured on the letters page recently.

May I suggest a way of dealing with these members of the "wannabee" club, and this includes the person who wants to re-site the Dunscar War Memorial and those who disfigured the one in Farnworth Park.

It is adopted from a Dutch method and would work as follows: Round up all the vandals and take them into a room where they would sit on a bare floor, and then make them watch the newsreels of the battlefields, the war cemeteries, ships sinking at sea and aircraft falling after air battles.

On top of these, show the films of the prison camps, especially those in the Far East. A final film could show the wounded who suffer for the remainder of their lives from the injuries sustained through fighting for the freedom abused by the vandals.

This may appear a light punishment, but after they have seen it once, they are made to remain on the floor and watch it time and time again, for at least 24 hours, with only water to drink. If they attempt to doze off, the guards could give them a prod to wake them.

After 24 hours they will perhaps realise the suffering those memorials commemorate. Repetition of further vandalism could result in another 24 hours -- and so on, until they behave.

Dorothy B Waters

Winifred Road
