II WAS one of the war veterans attending the meeting on July 22 about the Dunscar War Memorial.

My thoughts drifted to another Memorial, not so fine as the one of which protesters were so justifiably proud, but one bearing an inscription which would have been apt.

It read: "To die for your country is nothing, at all. Unless you were young, and we were young".

The men represented by the Memorial were young, and would have had every reason to live -- but they would also have been aware of their chances, yet they did not flinch.

Nor, it seemed, would those who filled that hall.

Most of those fortunate enough to return found it hard to rest with that fact.

We can only hope and pray that those who were not so fortunate can rest in peace.

We weep for them, we honour and salute them. May God bless each and every one of you.

We salute you too.

William Brown


, and so indeed did you