THE CONSERVATIVE Party has demanded an early poll following Tony Blair's spectacular U-turn in favour of a referendum on the proposed EU constitution.

This U-turn is a victory for the British people and there is no reason why a vote should not take place in the Autumn.

We have always supported a referendum. It would mark a massive change to the way Europe works, shifting more power from the UK to Brussels. Our own ability to determine policies in such areas as the economy, law and order and asylum would be undermined by the Constitution. It is only right that the British public should sanction or reject any major changes to the way this country is run.

Why has it taken so long for Tony Blair to come to his senses? Labour's reluctant acceptance of the need for a poll makes it clear how big a change the Constitution really is. As soon as the final version has been agreed, the Prime Minister should hold a referendum. It would end uncertainty and show clear direction, something this Government seems to be lacking.

Conservatives have an alternative vision for Europe - we want to be part of Europe but not controlled by Europe. Any other party that says the Conservatives want out of Europe are just scaremongering. If other member states want to integrate more closely, that's fine, as long as they do not force us to follow suit.

Andy Morgan

Councillor Hulton Park Ward