AFTER a very enjoyable visit to your country I am writing to add support for the venture which Monsieur Fred Dibnah is undertaking. I am told your publication helps Msr Dibnah with support.

Many of us in France watch with enthusiasm Msr Dibnah's television programmes and have the greatest admiration for him. I was very thrilled to actually meet him and see the work he carries out at his home.

I understand that he has many problems with his local government who do not want him to complete his model coal mine.

I find this very sad and hope that my letter will show that not just English people support Msr Dibnah in his work and that it is known all over Europe!

I hope your publication will continue to help Msr Dibnah in his campaign to complete his work.

Merci beacoup.

Jean Paul Fave

Rue De Commerce


La Finstere


AFTER a very enjoyable visit to your country I am writing to add support for the venture which Monsieur Fred Dibnah is undertaking. I am told your publication helps Msr Dibnah with support.

Many of us in France watch with enthusiasm Msr Dibnah's television programmes and have the greatest admiration for him. I was very thrilled to actually meet him and see the work he carries out at his home.

I understand that he has many problems with his local government who do not want him to complete his model coal mine.

I find this very sad and hope that my letter will show that not just English people support Msr Dibnah in his work and that it is known all over Europe!

I hope your publication will continue to help Msr Dibnah in his campaign to complete his work.

Merci beaucoup.