WITH reference to the front page article on Saturday, April 3 - this Council's idea of spending £500,000 on repairing some of the books in the archives by selling some of Bolton's heritage 90,000 beggars belief, according to Keith Davies, the Deputy Director of Education and Culture.

It obviously has escaped Mr Davies' notice that the spending of £400,000 on a headless, (pregnant?) 18-inch high lump of celite to live among the Pharoahs, seems somewhat ridiculous, as in all my life living in Bolton I have not seen any pyramids on either Deane Road or in Bromley Cross.

Buying Moran's picture for £1,385,000 - rather a great deal of money don't you think?

How much money has been spent on the Library in the same period?

More room ought to be found for the Archive and Local History Department. This at least would earn some money.

The amount of money spent in the museum is out of proportion to the amount spent in the Library.

Allowing books to become mouldy is nothing less than criminal - the council should have kept the premises up to standard.

Mr A E Aston

Friend of Bolton Library

Watts Street
