VICTORIA Hall Amateur Dramatic Society presents the hilarious Leslie Sands comedy Good Old Summertime from May 27 to 29.

The play is the third in a series which began with Beside the Seaside and Basinful of the Briny both of which were successful productions.

The traditional seaside comedy features the Bella Vista boarding house where landlady, Mrs Austin, offers a friendly welcome - provided you wipe your feet and don't waste the hot water.

Florrie, the dotty maid, will see you to your room - that's if she can leave Mario, her new love interest, alone.

Then relax and join the guests as they try to escape from the holiday from hell.

The play will be staged in the Lower Theatre at the Victoria Hall.

Tickets are £3.50 for adults and £2.50 for children and senior citizens. They are available from Anne on 0161 703 7570 and Linda on 01204 845493.