THE recent news regarding the use of seat belts and child restraints by parents, generally mothers on the school run, has taken a long time to get in to the public domain.

It is, unfortunately, more widespread than that.

The number of times I have driven behind a car where a small child is actually standing between two adults, presumably its parents, in the front of the car, is too numerous to mention. The slightest collision and the child would go through the windscreen.

When the police do decide to implement the law regarding child restraints, perhaps they will bear in mind the fact, as stated by the driving authorities, that child seats are in the main, only safe up to a speed of 30 mph. This must mean if anything, that any parent with child on board, who is travelling in excess of 30 mph is putting the child in danger.

Perhaps a campaign to publicise this fact is called for?

F Isherwood

Latham Road
