PHOTOGRAPHY has certainly come a long way since a chemically coated glass slide was first exposed to the light to create a picture.

From those unsophisticated 19th century shots, today's pin-sharp digital photography has allowed professional and amateur photographers alike the chance to shine.

And a selection of the best of local enthusiasts' work is on show until March 13 in a free exhibition at Bolton Parish Church, through the lens of Bolton Camera Club members.

The historic church is an apt setting for a society founded in 1897. But the subject matter spans time and treatment in a fascinating array of prints set at home and abroad.

From lively jugglers in Manchester city centre to unusual views of stately buildings, children quietly playing to birds animatedly chattering, and from snowy local scenes to exotic tribal people -- there is something to interest everyone.

The club's Don Tonge said that the members covered a range of ages and interests.

"And we're always glad to welcome new members as well," he said.

Meetings are on Thursday evenings at Trinity Methodist Church school hall in Bury Road, Tonge Fold, from 7.45pm with a variety of speakers and events on offer.

Contact club president George Davies on 01204 843209 or Don Tonge on 845484 for details, or visit the club's website, through the Bolton Evening News site,