GRANDMOTHER Liz MacMahon celebrated her 50th birthday by giving hope to sick children.

Liz, whose three-year-old granddaughter Libby Hodgson was born with the genetic disorder PKU, decided to have a fund-raising concert for the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital instead of birthday presents.

And thanks to friends Pauline Bassett and Anne Scotson, a party arranged at St Paul's Labour Club in Leigh raised just over £1,010 which will go towards research into life-threatening disorders at the hospital's Willink Unit.

Libby's mum Genna, 18, of Clifton Street, Leigh, said her daughter's condition, Phenylketonuria, was diagnosed at birth. Without treatment the condition could result in infants becoming mentally retarded or developing other neurological problems.

The group of friends decided to help children like Libby by raising cash for the GEM (Genetics, Enzymes, Metabolism) Appeal at the hospital where she is treated.

Organiser Pauline said: 'It was a great evening and we are hoping to organise a family fun day next year.

"We'd like to thank everyone who contributed, especially Michael White of Leigh Washer and Vac Repairs for the raffle prize of a vacuum cleaner."

Karen Sunderland, Chairman of the GEM Appeal, said: "The donation was a magnificent achievement for all concerned in the fund raising."