AS Chorley tried to come to terms with the tragic death of Melanie Horridge, family and friends have spoken of their shock and disbelief.

Melanie, 25, was discovered by three teenagers lying in an alleyway between Stratford Road and Wright Street, Chorley, on Friday evening, suffering from multiple stab wounds.

Her four-month-old baby, Oliver, was found unharmed in his pram.

An ambulance was called but the young mother of three, who lived in Talbot Road, Chorley, died later in Chorley Hospital.

Her killing has shocked teachers and pupils at her old school Southlands High, in the town.

Textiles technology teacher, Susan Hamilton, who taught Melanie, said: "There are a lot of pupils who are extremely shocked because they know the family.

"All Melanie's siblings came here and they lived close to the school until moving to Seymour Street a few years ago, so they are well-known faces.

"Melanie was extremely popular with her friends and staff. She was bubbly and sociable." Deputy head Brian Souter said the school could hold a memorial service although no arrangements were yet in place.

The family, including sisters Melissa and Mandy, and brother Michael, made an emotional visit to the scene of Melanie's death on Saturday.

Melissa, 33, said: "Melanie was a much-loved member of our family.

"My mum has lost her daughter, we have lost a sister and our best friend.

"Our children have lost an aunty, and most importantly the three children have been left without a mother.

Friend Janice France, 43, of St Anne's Road, who used to live with Melanie, said: "Melanie was lovely, a really nice, genuine girl.

"I cannot believe it has happened.

"When I met her I just clicked with her straight away. I have always got on with her."

Melanie's two elder children, Lewis, three and Louise, two are staying with family. Oliver is with foster parents as Melanie's parents are too shocked to look after him.

On Monday (March 1) Melanie's former boyfriend, Bevan Richardo Williams, 27, of Fielden Street, Chorley, appeared before magistrates charged with her murder. He was remanded in custody to appear before Preston Crown Court on March 11.

Williams is the father of Melanie's daughter Louise.