A GROUP of schoolchildren have packed away their games consoles and television sets in favour of a more traditional pastime -- clog dancing.

The youngsters from Trinity and St Michael's CE/Methodist Primary, Out Lane, Croston, jumped at the opportunity to take lessons in the old Lancastrian activity.

Just six weeks after their first lesson, the nine, ten and 11-year-olds are becoming accomplished at the historical hobby, which reached its peak in popularity in the late nineteenth century.

Alex Fisher, a professional clog-dancing performer and teacher from Eccleston, is running the Village Schools' Clog Project, thanks to funding from Chorley Borough Council, Eccleston's Green Centre and the Local Network Fund.

Alex, who took up clog dancing 20 years ago said it is important the tradition stays alive.

"It's a fantastic form of dancing and has great links to Lancashire, as well as areas across the north.

"When it was first popular, it was disapproved of by the powers that be, so it was looked down upon.

"I just think people need to know it's part of our heritage. I've learnt so many different steps from different places that I think it's very important to pass it on to the younger generation."

Alex lends the children clogs from her vast collection which caters for up to a size 13.

She said: "The children seem to really enjoy wearing the clogs.

"It's really good fun for them to do something different."

The children will perform their routines at a showpiece in Worden Park, Leyland, this week alongside three other local schools, including St Peter and St Paul's RC Primary, Mawdesley.

Norris Norcross, headteacher of Trinity and St Michael's, said: "The children are certainly enjoying it.

"As well as learning the traditional steps, they have been learning about the history and culture or clog dancing.

"They are really looking forward to performing and showing off what they have learned."

Anyone interested in attending one of Alex's regular clog dancing classes which take place in Eccleston every Monday should call her on 01257 453185.