AN inquiry into the future of Chorley's annual street fair has been launched by Chorley Borough Council

The larger rides in last autumn's fair were sited at Friday Street car park but this was criticised by nearby residents and businesses who complained it led to an increase in noise and disturbances.

In previous years the fair was held on the Flat Iron market site and town centre streets but it was relocated after pressure from traders who claimed shoppers were deterred from coming to the town as they could not find parking spaces during the fair because of the number of rides based on the Flat Iron market car park.

Now the council's community overview and scrutiny panel has begun an inquiry to find a suitable long-term site for the fair.

Key issues that the panel will consider are:

Noise, disturbance and litter problems associated with the Friday Street site.

The suitability of other town centre sites.

The benefits of holding the fair on two separate sites.

The scrutiny panel will talk to ward councillors, police officers, local residents, the chamber of trade and the fair operators before reporting its findings in April.

It will also analyse the number of complaints and police records of crime figures during the 2003 fair.

Site visits will be made to Friday Street, Market Street and the Flat Iron market to assess suitability.

Peter Wilding, chairman of Chorley and District Chamber of Trade, said: "We welcome the inquiry and will be as supportive as we can while the council try to find a solution.

"Many of our members wanted the fair relocated last year because of the parking problems at the Flat Iron site but at the same time we are sympathetic to residents living near Friday Street."