FULL marks to Bolton Council for listening and responding in a positive way to the very real concerns our community has to the problem of litter on our streets.

In spite of pressures to reduce council spending, they have found significant resources to address the problem by employing a team of enforcement officers to fine litter louts and at the same time strengthen their environmental education programmes in schools.

Andrew Dickson was quite right to draw attention to the problem and I hope that many more businesses will join the campaign.

Not only does litter have an adverse environmental impact on ourselves, but a detrimental effect on visitors and their perceptions of our town and their willingness to visit or invest here.

It isn't surprising that the country's rat population is increasing at an alarming rate, and posing a potential health risk when inconsiderate people discard take-away food waste on our streets without thinking of the consequences.

Some businesses are also not without fault by storing their rubbish in inappropriate containers or, worse still, fly tipping it.

The litter problem is not just confined to schoolchildren but includes the many adults who set a bad example to the young.

To address this, the Bolton Evening News are to be congratulated for responding to my call for a public awareness campaign by promoting "Bin It For Bolton", which I hope will be sustained throughout the year.

The rest is up to us to ensure we all do our bit.

Trevor Leese

Avebury Close
