THE decision by the National Standards Board regarding the Turton Parish Councillors is grossly unfair, and the local residents will end up worse off by the resignations which have followed.

The councillors represent the residents of this small village, the district councillors being fully occupied, it would appear, with the bigger picture.

They are elected, unpaid, in the expectation they will have an interest in the village and, due to its size, will always have a personal knowledge, but not necessarily "prejudicial". The comments made by them were as a result of representations made to them by village people. These comments were not against the principal of the development, only the inappropriate scale, which is now there for all to see.

The National Standards Board should take into account that representatives of the Parish are not permitted to make decisions, they can only be a voice.

In this instance, their representations described as "a personal and prejudicial interest" had no effect on the decision made by Blackburn.

I hope that those who take their place continue to be a voice with a personal interest in this village.

Neil Hardman
