I READ every night in your paper about the continual demise of our town, be it Westhoughton or Bolton.

Where has all the community spirit gone?

Where has all the discipline gone?

The streets are full of litter, and rubbish is dumped wherever it lands.

Youngsters are running around the streets intimidating ordinary people and, if anything is said to them, you risk being subjected to abuse from the parents.

The only money I can see being squandered in our town is on speed cameras and silly traffic-calming measures, cutting a two-lane road into a one-lane and causing untold traffic congestion.

Why not get these long-term "job seekers" to work for their money, get them to clean the streets before they can get their benefits?

I am sure the majority of them are fit enough to do so; or would that be contravening their human rights -- which seems to be everyone's answer to everything these days?

I have lived in Bolton all my life but am now ready to retire elsewhere as most of my family are doing.

It is becoming a sad end to a once great town.

Disappointed resident

Mrs G Longworth

Fell Bridge Close
