THE letter from C N Gregory of Old Links Close expressing his/her consternation of having to contend with horse droppings after football matches at The Reebok made me smile.

CNG in all earnestness requests the police to train their horses to do their business in the horse-box before or after the game.

He then goes on to ask the police "from a health and safety perspective" to clean up and remove the waste matter in secure containers so that it can be disposed of in a similar way to asbestos or chemical waste.

Are we talking about the same stuff I used to collect out of the street when I was a lad after the milkman had been round with his horse and dray to put on the garden?

The stuff we had to wash off the rhubarb or celery before we ate it? Or do horses drop something different these days!

How times change!

Brian Derbyshire

Ribchester Grove
