RECORD numbers of people have celebrated the festivities by watching Bolton's pantomime this year.

It has made Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs -- still showing at the Albert Halls -- the highest EVER grossing panto in the town.

An expected 30,000 theatre goers will have been to see the show by the time its run ends.

And 31 of the 44 shows so far have been sell-outs, pleasing its plethora of stars including Bolton's Stu Francis who plays Muddles.

Snow White and Lazy, Loopy, Goody, Growler, Noisy, Shabby and Sneezy have been wowing record audiences since the start of December.

The dwarfs are used to being in high-grossing, popular productions -- the seven have a list of film credits that read like a Hollywood star's wish list of movies.

Top of the pile -- yet smallest in stature -- is Kenny Baker, who plays Lazy. He is renowned around the world for bringing the loveable, feisty and sometimes mischievous R2 D2 to life in the Star Wars films, as well as his brilliant character, 'Fidgit' in the classic 'Time Bandits'.

Albert Wilkinson -- who plays Goody -- was an Oompaloompa in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Loopy (Trevor Jones), Noisy (John Pedrick), Growler (Tony Cooper), Sneezy (Darren Horan) and Shabby (Glynn Jones) have also appeared alongside some of biggest names in the film industry.

Phil Smith, entertainment manager at the Albert Halls, said: "Obviously we are thrilled with the reaction to Snow White. Our previous best was the production of Aladdin staged two years ago. That show finished on just over 28,500 seats sold.

"This year we have already sold 28,200 tickets, and we still have a week and-a-half to go before we bring the curtain down on the last show."

He added: "Credit is due, not only to Stu Francis, our "magnificent seven" and the rest of the cast and crew for bringing the panto to life, but also the Albert Halls team and producer Duggie Chapman who have worked tirelessly throughout the year to put the show together and to promote it with such vigour. It's a huge team effort".

Snow White runs until Sunday, January 11, with seats still available for certain shows. Contact the box office on 01204 334400 for details.