A NINETY-year-old former fireman has finally received a medal for serving in the brigade during the Second World War -- nearly 60 years late.

Stanley Norris, who worked as a fireman in Bolton in the 1940s and 1950s, received the fire brigade medal during a surprise presentation at Astley Bridge British Legion Club.

Mr Norris, of Eden Street, Astley Bridge, applied for the medal three months ago after being persuaded to do so by a friend over a couple of pints at his local pub.

He thought nothing more of it until he went to the Legion for a quiet pint and a game of dominoes -- and left proudly clutching his medal.

"Family always came first and I wasn't bothered about the medal for many years until I had a conversation with a friend who persuaded me to apply to get it," he said.

"I knew the medal would be coming soon. But when I went to the Legion for a normal night out, they had everything set up.

"It's a lovely medal and it's nice to be honoured in this way. It's been a long time, but I still have memories of working during the war as a fireman. I enjoyed it, but it was very hard work."

Mr Norris, who also worked as a spinner, said he often worked 10 hour days at the mill before serving on the fire crew at night until 2am.

He said: "I didn't have much of a life outside work for a few years, but I'm proud to have served the country."

British Legion treasurer Vince Eccles said: "There had been a delay in getting the medal because some old documents had been lost, but we are very pleased to have honoured Mr Norris.

"Firemen who worked during the war had a very difficult job and we must be thankful for what they did for the country."