A STUDENT keen to get quicker access to the Internet is urging local people to sign up for broadband.

Rick Box, aged 16, has started a campaign in Edgworth and Chapeltown to get broadband installed but he needs the support of about 400 residents before BT will carry out the work to ensure residents have instant access to the Internet, even when they are on the telephone.

Rick, of Plantation Road, said: "I use the Internet a lot. I have just finished my GCSE's and am going to sixth form so will be needing it a lot more for research.

"There are a lot of businesses and the local primary school that would benefit from using broadband and I hope people will take notice and sign up. I will be putting banners up in local shops and pubs so people know who to contact and I've got several volunteers to help me deliver leaflets." Leaflets will be posted through hundreds of letterboxes and banners will shortly appear around the two villages. If the campaign is successful 1300 residential lines and 100 business numbers could benefit.

A total of 136 people have already signed up to campaign for broadband on Rick's website.

A BT spokesman said: "It all depends on how many people in the area want broadband for us to invest in it. We help campaign groups by providing posters, leaflets for people to post through doors and have even paid for press advertising.

"If the people show us it's worth it, then we'll go ahead with the investment."

He said the cost varied from each exchange from £250,000 to £500,000 and that two-thirds of the country are now on broadband.