WHILE agreeing with Councillor Wilson's inference that Lancashire County Council is expensive, inefficient and unaccountable, I think people who live in glasshouses should not throw stones.

Since 1997 my rates payable to Chorley Council have increased by 80 per cent, those to Lancashire Council by 59 per cent.

During the same period my water rate has only increased by 18 per cent and my net pension by 17 per cent. My water pressure is better, the Yarrow is cleaner and sewage disposal has improved.

In Chorley, streets are dirtier, footpaths uneven and car parking more expensive. It would seem the borough council is even more profligate than the county council. Compared with 10 years ago the council accounts are glossy but opaque. Then it was easy to find the income and expenditure on car parks, sports facilities etc. Now they are similar to a party political broadcast.

It is easy to spend someone else's money and every time local government has been reorganised I have had to dig deeper into my pocket. I am not holding my breath for any savings from the latest change to 'Cabinet Government' that the councils have adopted.

DJ Cameron, Bolton Road, Chorley.