SCHOOLGIRL Katherine Edge has triumphed against the odds in her GCSE examinations.

Katherine, who has Down's Syndrome passed five GCSE exams. Her mother, Stella, said: "We are absolutely delighted.

"Katherine was the first child in Bury with Down's Syndrome to go to a mainstream high school which did not have special unit."

She added: "We fought hard to get her in, but it was worth it.

"She didn't want to go to a special school, she wanted to go to the same secondary school as all her friends."

Katherine, aged 17, of Crag Lane, Summerseat, achieved passes in French, English, food technology, child development and office applications at Woodhey High School. She will now study office administration at Bury College.

Mrs Edge said: "We hope that other children with Down's will be inspired by Katherine."