WHAT planet does Cllr L Williamson live on?

I can assure him that as an ex, fully qualified, youth worker, the young people who need resources are not the ones who will be interested in writing and composing! These ordinary youngsters want to rollerblade, swim, go ten pin bowling, skateboarding etc, all in the safety of the town centre. All Bolton offers is an early introduction to drinking and gambling. Lots of young folk haven't got parents able or willing to drive them to out-of-town facilities -- or the cash.

As teenagers we loved going "into town", meeting friends, lots of choice of things to do, as my daughter also did when she was growing up. We did it in the safety of a busy area, the bus station was safe to wait for the bus home. So Mr Williamson, Executive Member for Culture, come down and talk to "real teenagers".

I must mention Moss Bank Park, a family spot, thriving generations can remember the family outings. What now? Another restaurant and casino? Do Bolton Council really believe or care what will obviously, to us mere mortals, happen to this park? Think again, please. Let youngsters growing up now be able to pass on to their children all the happy memories I and my daughter have.

I am more than 30 years old (mentioned in the councillor's letter), and can assure him/her that I feel sorry for today's teenagers, due to the lack of resources. So, "disgruntled 17-year-old" and friends, keep pushing, your voices may eventually reach the Ivory Towers in the Town Hall.

Mrs Jackie Webb

Sandford Close

Harwood, Bolton