WELL, well! Bolton Council don't get any better do they!

I have just been reading several letters on the web regarding skateboarding and skateboarders. As I recall, almost two-and-a-half years ago there were calls for somewhere the youngsters could practise skateboarding. But, as usual, Bolton Council is dragging its feet and doing nothing.

OK, so it is wrong to damage the town centre, and leave litter lying around, although it seems there is some doubt about who is responsible for this act. If people in the know actually got off their chairs and went to find out what these young people want and actually did something about it, then consequently this problem might at least be eased, if not solved. I am realistic and I know you can't just wave a magic wand but, surely, after all this time, something should be done.

At least give these youngsters some place to enjoy what they enjoy. After all, it would keep them off the streets and out of trouble -- not all kids are mindless hooligans.

And while you are thinking about recreational facilities, don't forget the outlying parts of the borough. They need them just as much as the town centre.

Mrs J Perry


