HOW refreshing to read Brian Derbyshire's letter published in the Bolton Evening News on Tuesday, August 12, and his acknowledgement that only the Conservatives can deliver Conservative policies and his confirmation that Labour are only good at one thing -- tax and spend, with no reform!

The Labour Party leaders seem to agree with him and are panicking at the renewed political threat posed by a revived Conservative Party, after John Prescott warned his party to be on its guard against the challenge now being presented by Iain Duncan Smith and the Conservatives.

As trust in the Prime Minister's leadership fades and Labour chiefs grow increasingly concerned that their promises are no longer believed by the voters, Mr Prescott referred to the "real threat" posed by the Conservatives and said: "There is a real choice to be made as we approach the next election. We must show people we have an agenda worth voting for."

Tony Blair, John Prescott and their Government are desperately trying to distract the electorate from Labour's failings. They promised that things could only get better but, as everyone knows, things have only got worse.

It just goes to show how worried Labour are that at a time when we are in the midst of a major Government inquiry, when violent crime is soaring, when our transport system is crumbling, when teacher vacancies have doubled, and when there are more administrators in the NHS than beds, John Prescott is desperately having to try and misrepresent Conservative policies knowing that it is only the Conservatives who offer a fair deal to all the people of Britain.

The Deputy Premier and Brian Derbyshire are right about one thing: that the Conservative Party is a growing threat, and also right that the Labour Party should be afraid not only nationally, but locally, because the public will see through Labour's smoke screens and excuses and see the miserable failures of this Governments policies for what they really are!

Andy Morgan

(Councillor Hulton Park Ward)