TRY to picture the beauty of the nature reserve on Doffcocker Lodge on a lovely summer evening...

Just returned to reminisce. It's about 60 years since I used to wade into the reeds to steal the eggs of the coots and moorhens. Not to collect but to eat. Times were hard just before and during the war.

It was a warm, sultry, slightly overcast evening as I walked over the bridge that separates the two lodges. The air was still and the water in the pond was very still and calm. The reed beds in the pond were reflected almost as perfect, as if in a mirror

Then, as I watched and relaxed in the silence of the evening, I saw something break the surface of the water. What was it? It was a traffic cone, beautiful and majestic. It floated upright so that only the tip was visible. This was indeed a sight to behold. Then, as the cone neared the edge of a reed bed, another amazing sight greeted me. It was too good to be true -- a shopping trolley, upturned so that only the slightest hint of the wire cage was breaking the surface of the water. However, the real beauty of this spectacle were the four wheels sticking proud and erect out of the water.

What a wonderful chance to encounter. I felt so lucky to have witnessed such a truly amazing event.

Oh, how I wish I'd had my camera. It was one of those moments that you can't make happen, it was nature at work and it was fantastic to watch.

Then, all of a sudden, a pair of ruddy swans fell from the sky, shattering the tranquillity, crash landing into the middle of the calm, peaceful waters.

They were squawking and flapping, disturbing the peace and quiet of the evening. Damn! My evening's viewing was ruined. Swans should know their place.

Off for a nice pint in the Cocker. Dear, dear, how prices have gone up.

Don A Smith

Winchester Close


Isle of Wight