RESEARCH in Bolton found that stress is the main reason why people take time off work.

About 50 local businesses were quizzed about staff absences by Manchester-based healthcare insurer Manson Warner Healthcare.

The reasons given were as follows: Stress (48 per cent), back problems (24 per cent), minor illnesses such as coughs and colds (21 per cent), migraines (five per cent) and allergies (two per cent).

Five per cent of the companies surveyed said they took preventative measures such as reflexology and massage to combat stress.

The remainder of Bolton companies said they did not take any measures at all to relieve staff from pressures faced both inside and outside work. Mr Graeme Warner, managing director of Manson Warner Healthcare, said: "We always knew that stress was becoming more prominent in the work place so the results don't come as a huge shock.

"However, seeing that stress caused so much time off throughout Bolton, I'm amazed that more companies don't proactively take measures to help relieve the symptoms."

He added: "Although companies in Bolton do not seem to be addressing this alarming stress epidemic, businesses in other parts of the country are looking at measures to reduce stress such as holistic treatments and Employee Helpline Schemes.

"Holistic treatments include aromatherapy, reflexology and Indian head massages which are all very effective methods of relieving stress in the workplace.

"Employee Helplines offer confidential counselling and support to employees and their families and over the last year I have seen an unprecedented increase in companies requesting this service as it serves to provide support to any staff suffering from stress."

In another report, research for the TUC shows that stress is Britain's number one workplace health hazard.

General Secretary Brendan Barber said: "Stress at work is cutting workers' lives short.

"This enormous strain on individuals and society will only end when we tackle the causes of stress such as overwork and the long-hours culture."

"The UK needs a workforce that works well and stays well."