THE uncertainty on his face made painful reading.

Watching Mike Gregory field further questions on his newly-inherited role as Wigan supremo this week merely emphasised how his fate is completely out of his control.

In true head coach style, he successfully ducked another volley of probes sent out by the insatiable local press, desperate to ascertain how long his tenure of the Warriors hot seat will be. But among the bobs and weaves came the undeniable truth. He didn't know.

He has been told in good faith that he is on trial for the permanent post next season, but has been given no clear job description and is sailing the good ship Wigan without a compass from one week to the next.

He does not know how many games he needs to win to remain in employment. It is unclear whether a top two finish, an appearance at Old Trafford or even a Grand Final triumph will keep him in the top job.

All he knows is that he will be assessed at the end of the season and that uncertainty can't be healthy for the team.

The question is, are the club's bosses genuinely interested in seeing what their home grown talent has to offer, or are they just stringing him along until they can secure a big name Australian?

If the answer is the former -- and it really ought to be -- then they must start playing fair and give him a real goal to aim for.

With the young, inexperienced squad at his disposal and the league position they have been left in, I reckon a Grand Final appearance would be a fantastic achievement for Gregory and one worthy of a real shot at the top job.