FUNDRAISING cyclist Michael Fielding, who made hundreds of pounds for charity, has died.

Mr Fielding, aged 55, of Berkeley Crescent, Radcliffe, collapsed on Tuesday while out cycling in Stubbins. He was taken to Fairfield Hospital but attempts to resuscitate him failed. Last October Mr Fielding and his brother, Geoff, raised more than £500 for the Alzheimer's Society by completing a sponsored bike ride from Land's End to John O'Groats.

He suffered from the disease himself and wanted to do something to help other sufferers and their families.

He talked his brother Geoff, of Victoria Street, Tottington, into buying a bike so that the pair could enjoy a hobby together.

Before long, the pair hit on the idea of the length of Britain cycling odyssey for the charity, travelling between 70 and 100 miles each day and staying in bed and breakfasts.

His wife, Denise (54), said: "He was the nicest chap you could meet. Everyone liked him. He was a real family man."

Last month they celebrated their 34th wedding anniversary and only returned from a weekend holiday in Paris on Monday.

"We had a really good time and enjoyed ourselves. The memory of it is obviously a great comfort," said Denise.

She added: "Michael was diagnosed with Alzheimer's two years ago and was already showing some of the effects, but his brother has been an absolute rock, taking him out cycling and walking."

The cause of death is a suspected cardiac arrest and a post-mortem was being carried out. Besides his wife, Mr Fielding, who owned the company Pneumatic Services, is survived by a daughter Rachael, a son Simon, and a grandson, Sam.