LOCAL professionals -- bankers, lawyers, accountants, surveyors and others -- are to get £50 million to spend.

Unfortunately, it will not be real cash.

The Corporate Recovery and Insolvency arm of Bolton accountancy firm Unity (formerly Jacksons) is organising a Fantasy Football League for the new season.

Partner Matthew Bowker described it as a "deadly serious piece of professional rivalry with a large trophy at stake".

But he added that it would be a good networking opportunity.

The action starts with a pre-season player auction on Wednesday, August 13, at 5.30pm in the Life Bar, Nelson Square, Bolton.

David Edghill, an administrator at Unity in Clive Street, said: "We have invited 20 companies to take part and we have had a good response."

Teams will compete to sign top Premiership players such as Michael Owen and Ruud Van Nistelrooy, making sure there is change out of the £50 million allocated to buy the rest of the team.

Points will be awarded over the season for goals, assists and clean sheets.