A MYSTERY Good Samaritan chased thieves who stole a pensioner's handbag.

The 70-year-old woman was approached by two men as she walked near Dinsdale Drive, Deane, at 11am Thursday.

One man asked her to change some money and as she put her handbag and shopping down ,the second thief kicked it away from her, snatched it and ran off. She was left shaken but unhurt.

A brave member of the public gave chase, but the thieves got away. Today, police appealed for the Good Samaritan to contact them, saying he may be a vital witness.

Both thieves are white. The first was 5ft 8ins tall, thin, clean shaven, aged around 20 with short brown hair.

His accomplice is described as 5ft 5ins tall, slim, aged around 20 with short, light brown hair. He was also clean shaven.

An hour earlier at 10am, a second 70-year-old woman had her handbag snatched from her shoulder as she walked along Deane Road. She was left shaken but unhurt.

Police do not believe the two thefts are linked. Purses and personal documents were stolen in each case.

Contact Bolton Police on 0161 856 5593 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.