WITH the latest news regarding Le Mans Crescent reported in last night's Bolton Evening News, once again the town of Bolton has had its face well and truly smacked. Sam Allardyce was only partly right when he said that Bolton Wanderers wasn't a good enough club to attract foreign stars.

The real and full answer is that Bolton is anything but a fashionable town and we have a list of disappointments to support that point of view. We have lost out on university status for BIHE; we have lost out on city status; we have lost out on rewarding one of our favourite sons from becoming Sir Nat after years of selfless devotion not only to the town's football club, but also to the people of Bolton, young and old; lost funding for new road programmes, and there are probably more which escape me at the moment.

What is sickening is the attitude of, firstly, our councillors who wring their hands and "hope to move ahead" instead of investing heavily into raising the profile of the town before it becomes submerged under the fictitious mushroom banner of Greater Manchester and, secondly, the apathy of the townspeople who don't seem to care what happens to the town. Isn't it ironic that a request to secure the title of Sir Nat should come from someone writing to the Bolton Evening News from Canada!

The biggest burden that we have to shoulder is the title of Greater Manchester which, as a political region, was disbanded in 1986, yet national and regional news services still refer to the region as Greater Manchester. Even our own Bolton Evening News has fallen into the trap of using this outdated title. Yet no one challenges the use of that title. If we want an independent town which doesn't fall under the shadow of the big city 12 miles down the road, a real and effective campaign needs to be fronted from the council and supported by press and townspeople alike to give a clear message to the world that Bolton exists and is worth giving more than a second look.

Be honest, if Bradford can be successfully marketed as a tourist attraction, then we should be able to make the town of Bolton stand out from the crowd of North-west towns.

How do we do it? Well, there are plenty of people in show business alone with influence who I'm sure would be only too pleased to promote their home town, especially as the Bolton Evening News helps to promote their careers through the local paper. Sara Cox and Damon Gough to mention but two. There is also the opportunity for the town to organise a mass complaint about the use of Greater Manchester as a title, and I'm sure our neighbouring towns -- such as Bury, Wigan and Blackburn -- would also support the move. Can we lead instead of follow for once in our lives?

Be sure that if nothing is done, and soon, Bolton will become yet another district of Manchester and I for one want that like I would want a bullet between the eyes. Nowhere on this planet is perfect, but I have a strong tradition of being a Boltonian -- and I would like it to remain that way for ever.

Bob Marshall

Upper Lees Drive
