AS the local representative for UNICEF UK, I would like to draw attention to a human rights abuse that could be destroying the lives of children living right here in our local community -- child trafficking.

More than one million unwilling victims are trafficked every year around the globe. UNlCEF's new End Child Exploitation campaign is helping those children that have been transported like commercial goods across borders and exploited on their arrival, often for sex work.

UNICEF is urging the Government to provide specialist care and protection for the victims, including safe houses across the country; counselling and education. We also want the Government to make it illegal to traffic a child for any purpose.

By visiting our website of readers can find out more, join our network of campaign supporters, donate and take action. We are aiming to create a paperchain of at least 5000 links that will be used to raise public awareness about the horrors of child exploitation, and this can be signed online. Alongside this we are seeking to raise £5m to support practical programmes to protect children from exploitation. Those wanting to donate can send cheques payable to UNICEF to End Child Exploitation Campaign, UNICEF, PO Box 254, Prestwich, Manchester, M25 3WT.

Thousands of children are silently suffering at the hands of traffickers. They are out of sight, but must not remain out of our minds. I do hope your readers will take part in the End Child Exploitation Campaign to help combat child exploitation.

Andrea Lock

Regional Fundraising Manager North West