AS a national mental health charity, we welcome the recommendation made by the Local Government Ombudsmen that people who have paid for care and support, when they shouldn't have been charged, are entitled to repayment with interest.

It is important that repayments be made as soon as possible so that people affected, many of whom are on very low incomes, are spared any further unnecessary financial difficulties. However, it is important that such restitution payments are not to the detriment of cash-strapped mental health services.

We are also concerned that the Government doesn't seem to have any immediate contingency plans in place to deal with repayments, which are likely to be administratively complex. Given that it did not provide proper guidance in the first place, so that many people were charged when they should not have been, we believe the Government should cover the costs of reimbursement.

Gil Hitchon

Chief Executive


Lincoln House

296-302 High Holborn

London WC1V 7JH

Maca is a leading national mental health charity serving people with mental health needs and their carers. They work in partnership with health and local authorities, criminal justice agencies, housing associations, voluntary and other independent sector providers to deliver a wide range of community and hospital-based services.