LAST week a young man wrote to the Letters page in the Bolton Evening News about the lack of facilities for teenagers.

I totally agree with him.

The Navada Skating Rink was burnt out and never replaced; The Water Place closed down and nothing has been done about that. All the cinemas closed and Silverwell Street recreation facilities went.

In their place we now seem to have more pubs and clubs than we know what to do with, encouraging alcoholism and violence.

I would suggest -- for the teenagers who would rather do other things than drink -- a skating and skate board rink, ten pin bowling, snooker rooms and a swimming pool of our own, without having too travel too far to get to them. No wonder teenagers are bored and some of them resort to vandalism. Is it hard to comprehend?

Also, the council should stop wasting money by continually altering the Town Hall Square. It was fine as it was before we were lumbered with the unsightly marble slabs (with no back rests).

(Name and

address supplied)