AT the Standish Petty Sessions on Wednesday, J. Edge, and another motorist, members of the Liverpool Motor Cycle Club, were charged with furiously driving motor cycles on Parbold-hill on Sunday, June 21. PC Little said he saw the defendants travelling about 215 yards in lesee. Another witness, named Pennington, said the defendants rode their cycles at a rate of between 25 and 30 miles an hour.

Mr Edge said the Liverpool Motor Cycle Club wanted to have a hill-climbing competition, and they fixed it for Parbold-hill, this being the steepest place in Lancashire. The competition was published, and the day of the race given. They also informed the police.

Defendant admitted being on a powerful machine, and he had no doubt he was travelling about 25 miles an hour. The others travelling at 12 gave up the competition when they found the police were taking their names.

The Chairman pointed out that the police had warned them before the race started, and if they flew in the face of the law or defied the law, they must suffer for it. A fine of £5 and costs in each case was inflicted, and the witnesses' expenses.

From the Evening News, July 22, 1953:

SIR,- Now that the holidays are over, I think we should seriously consider whether it is wise to have two consecutive weeks holiday. I have discussed this question with many persons who work in the pits and mills, and in most cases the answer is overwhelmingly in favour of one week at June and the second week at September, the remaining odd days to be tacked on to Christmas.

The reason for this is that most people go away for one week, and they find this very expensive. They spend the second week at home and because they are not working they feel the natural urge to spend. On Saturday, July 11, there were many people in the unhappy position of not being able to buy food - a sad situation which is altogether unsatisfactory. Yours, T.W.D.

From the Evening News, July 22, 1978:

NEARLY all Bolton's town centre shops may soon be open six days a week if they take up an idea put forward by the Chamber of Trade. For some time most of the big stores and a number of other shops have remained open on Wednesdays, the traditional early closing day. Now all traders are to be urged to give the six-day opening a six-month trial starting in October. The suggestion has been made to consolidate Bolton's opposition as a prime shopping centre and to attract more shoppers.

From the Evening News, July 22, 1993:

A BOLTON engineer is about to unleash the slickest car in racing onto the motor sport scene. For the last five years Dave Beecroft has been designing and building his own racing car to compete in the Vauxhall Super-sport series, and next month he is due to take to the track.

The car's prototype has already gained a fastest lap and a second place in a race at Donnington two years ago, and Dave hopes drivers will be queueing up to buy the new version once they see it in action with last year's Caterham Vauxhall Champion Ben Edwards at the wheel.

The car has cost Dave nearly £50,000 to develop.