SAMUEL Clough (29), labourer, 6, White Lion Brow, and Wm. Disley (32), moulder, of 79, Mason-st., were charged at the Borough Court this morning, to stealing four copper lamps, the property of Mr Walter Martin Musgrave, of Ashleigh, Heaton. - Mr J.H. Hall stated the facts, and it appeared that the lamps were originally used for the drive leading to Mr Musgrave's residence, electric light having been substituted.

The old lamps, worth £4, had been left in the yard, and late on Tuesday night a groom in Mr Musgrave's employ named James Adock, and another groom named Ashworth, were passing among Markland Hill when they heard a noise of breaking glass proceeding from the drive adjoining Mr Musgrave's.

PC Pomfret was sent for, and the two prisoners came from under the hedge, and were arrested. They both pleaded guilty to stealing the lamps, and the Magistrates sent them to hard labour for one month. The lamps were found smashed under the hedge in the field.

From the Evening News, July 26, 1953:

ALTHOUGH the poodle cut is now a thing of the past, there is still a tendency towards a shingle line in the smart, new hair styles. In fact many different cuts are being introduced which give neatness at the back of the head and a wider look across the temples. These new styles are remarkable in that they give invariably to their wearers a notably youthful appearance.

Although seldom more than three inches in length, the hair may be cut to a quarter of an inch at the nape of the neck. There are now none of the severe lines associated with the close-to-the-head styles of recent years.

From the Evening News,July 26, 1978:

THE world's first test tube baby is perfect - she does not even have a wrinkle. The description came from hospital staff at Oldham and District General Hospital where the history-making 5lb 12oz baby girl was born late last night.

The birth is the culmination of 12 years' scientific work and experiments. The child's father, Mr John Brown, from Bristol, was "over the moon" about the birth by Caesarean section.

The birth is a triumph for Oldham gynaecologist Mr Patrick Steptoe and Cambridge physiologist Mr Robert Edwards, who for the first time succeeded in creating life outside the womb, and then returning it to the mother for a successful pregnancy.

From the Evening News,July 26, 1993:

CHARGES due to be introduced next month have led to over 750 people in Bolton cancelling their home helps. The number of people pulling out of the service, amounting to 17 per cent, is much greater than council officials had expected.

The service will be remaining free for those on Income Support level, and a sliding scale of charges for those with bigger incomes, up to £6.70 an hour for those with more than £8,000 savings. However, councillors have now decided to put a ceiling of £30 a week on payments.