FOR some years it has been understood that the Farnworth Cricket Club's ground off Gower-st. was required by the landowners for building purposes, a lease for a term of years being refused. We learn that on Wednesday the land was sold to Bolton Textile Mill Co., Ltd., for the site of a third mill when the state of trade warrants its erection. Attempts are being made by the club to secure a fresh ground, and there is a respectable sum in hand as the result of a bazaar, for the provision of a pavilion, etc.

FOR stealing 9d (3p) from the house of Mrs Morris, 8, All Saints-st., an old woman named Elizabeth Willman, of no regular abode, was sent to gaol for seven days this morning by the Borough Magistrates.

From the Evening News,July 24, 1953:

MEMBERS of Bolton's Parks Committee yesterday had a vision of a marine hall in Moss Bank Park like the one at Fleetwood. This vision was inspired by a letter from Counc. Glynn, who asked for some kind of shelter in the park for people caught by sudden showers of train.

As with many other visions, however, it evaporated when finance was talked about.

The chairman, Ald. Booth, said that they had to think about accommodation for those who came into the park to listen to the bands. Good bands had come "and never blew a note" because of the weather and lack of shelter. But it required a lot of thought. The job should be done properly when it was done.

The Committee decided to leave the problem to the investigations of a sub-committee.

From the Evening News, July 24, 1978:

MOTHERS on a quiet Bolton avenue are to protest to the council following a playground incident when five children were poisoned after eating laburnum seeds. One of the children had to have a stomach pump and one other child was detained in hospital. They all said they mistook the seeds for garden peas.

Now the parents, from Valpy Avenue, Hall-i'th'-Wood, are tabling a petition to try and make the council uproot all laburnum trees in the area.

From the Evening News, July 24, 1993:

LATEST opinion polls showing the Tories trailing Labour by a double figure percentage and a Liberal Democrat advance signal a Conservative massacre if an early election is called. The poll shows Labour on 43 per cent, Liberal Democrats on 26.5 per cent, and the Tories third on 24.5 per cent.

THE BBC has published updated guidelines for its staff on the portrayal of violence in television programmes. They say that violent scenes should only be included "after careful and detailed consideration".