I READ with disgust the treatment Nicholas Ashworth received, after defending himself against a would-be mugger.

Having been the victim of crime only months before, the lad decided to get himself some protection in the form of a cs gas spray. Okay, these things are not legal, but neither was the knife being held to his throat.

The first question the police should be asking themselves is: "What might have happened if the lad had not defended himself with this spray?" The answer does not bear thinking about.

Most people who read Friday's front page would have been shocked and disgusted, just as I was. But they won't be surprised because we have a government which rewards criminals rather than punishes them.

The very same government is paying compensation to a band of terrorist hijackers, now living a life of luxury, compliments of you and me, the taxpayer.

Unless we have a total overhaul of the system of law and order, one which protects the innocent and punishes the criminal, I fear we will see far more people arming themselves with whatever they feel is needed to protect themselves.

The way the law is being currently applied means victims have far fewer rights than criminals.

Martin Shaw
