PLEASE, everyone, pay attention. Your country is being sold out. Much of the freedom we take for granted will be thrown out the window.

I refer to the EU with its euro, again rearing its ugly head. Personally, I have not voted for a few years as there is no longer a political party to suit the not-too-well-off Mr Average.

I am bitterly against Prime Minister Tony Blair denying us a referendum. Once we are locked into the euro, we will be saddled with an unwanted currency.

Public opinion states that this is the case. We will no longer have control of setting our interest rates; inflation will soar, as has been proved in countries which have embraced the single currency. I think it is an insult to those who fought in wars to free us of European dominance.

Our former enemies will be calling the shots, and, worse still, Brussels will hold all the aces. To think that we got caught up in World War One in order to protect the neutrality of Belgium!

I have joined the UKIP (United Kingdom Independence Party) who have candidates fighting our corner. We will campaign to protect our democracy, not to mention our UN seat.

Europe, with its euro, is a cancer. Which would you rather have -- a stable currency, relatively low unemployment, our own say in our own Parliament, or "Mickey Mouse" money which will de-value by the day, being run by unelected eurocrats, a puppet state of Europe with Brussels pulling the strings? I rest my case.

B Howarth

Alexandria Drive
