YOUNGSTERS can take a step back in time this half term holiday and learn the Tudor crafts of pomander making and quill pen writing.

The events are being held at Hall i' th' Wood, Bolton's 15th century grand house which is now a museum.

There will also be quizzes and a chance to have a go at the art of drop spindling. The activities last from today to Sunday, June 1.

The Hall is where Bolton's famous son Samuel Crompton lived with his parents in the 1770s and where he invented his Spinning Mule which revolutionised the cotton industry.

The Hall eventually fell into disrepair and was then bought by eminent Boltonian, Lord Leverhulme, who paid for its restoration in memory of Samuel Crompton. In 1902, Lord Leverhulme officially handed the Hall over to the people of Bolton.

Today you can dress up in Tudor costume and discover what it was like to live in olden times.

To obtain a copy of our events programme telephone: 01204 332211, or visit the web site

DRESSED THE PART Children at an earlier Tudor event at the hall