RAGS & Old Iron, an exhibition at Bolton Museum and Art Gallery, has proved so popular with visitors that it has been extended by an extra week until next Saturday.

Three local artists have taken the collections of the Museum as the raw material for contemporary creations, which bridge the gap between past and present.

Jennifer Shaw, Keeper of Art, said: "People seem to have a great affection for 'junk' and in an exhibition like Rags & Old Iron, this emotion comes to the fore.

"The artists have successfully re-interpreted objects that have lost their original function, have ceased to work or have faded into raggedy versions of their former glory -- I think it's something we can all relate to!

"The humour and nostalgia of the exhibition has made a great impact on our visitors and the artists have been overwhelmed by the enthusiasm with which their work has been received."

Margaret Jackson, one of the three exhibiting artists, said: "It's great to be able to extend the exhibition for an extra week as it is bringing so much pleasure to visitors of all ages."

The other artists are Matthew Roby, who took his inspiration from the rows of sewing machines, typewriters and hundreds of other objects in the Museum's Social History store, and Adela Jones whose ideas have been developed through the use of live performance and costume.