I FEEL I must respond to the letter written by Mr Rob McDougall, who seems to relish the prospect of a war with Iraq.

But then, distance does seem to free some people from the full horror and terror of war.

One could draw a comparison with a boxing match, where one can hear people screaming out for blood, and shouting "Knock him out! Smash him!" and even "Kill him!"

By the way Mr McDougall, the people shouting out these scorbutic remarks are not on the receiving end of the blows being landed, and one boxer is not 50 times the weight of the other.

The causes of war are many, but mostly economic. The great majority of people in America, Iraq and Britain are decent law abiding citizens, who want to go about their daily toil without hindrance, and fear of being blown to bits.

America is a large country, vastly superior in military, and economic power and, if it so wishes, can ignore international law. But it does need friends and our Prime Minister is such a friend who will co-operate with Uncle Sam. We in Britain do not dislike the American people, but the great majority don't trust Bush or Blair, and are fearful of just where this conflict will lead us. The people of the British empire stood shoulder to shoulder with the Americans, and the Russians, during the last World War 1939-1945 and how happy we were when the bloodshed ended.

I don't know if Iraq has weapons of mass destruction, but, like millions of people, I would prefer to let the inspectors search awhile longer, than to go in with all guns blazing, and in the process murder, and mutilate thousands of people in Iraq. .

Is this our sorry and infinite goal? Do we have to murder each other to bring peace into this world. I wonder which country will be the next? Isn't this country a target for terrorism?

L Bradburn

Nevis Grove

Astley Bridge
