SUPER-FIT Sue Jones is proof that life begins at 40 after embarking on a path she hopes will lead to her becoming the world's number one female veteran triathlete.

Sue, a sports science tutor at Bolton Community College, is hoping she will gain the top veteran title at the World Triathlon Championships in New Zealand later this year. Last November, in Mexico, she came ninth in the world in her age group in the gruelling test of swimming, running and cycling ability.

She dropped temporarily to a less stringent training schedule after her impressive performance in Mexico in November, when she was the fastest Briton in her age group.

But she is now planning to step up to her two-hours-a-day training regime again. "It's not a bad start, seeing as I only took up triathlons last year at the age of 39," said Sue, who lives in Horwich.

She is a familiar figure in the town, often seen training on the roads and around the reservoirs.

And she is also a member of Horwich Harriers, who have supported Sue in her ambitious plans.

A wealth of businesses and individuals sponsored Sue for her mammoth trek to Cancun, Mexico, in November where she raced in the 35 to 39 age group.

She said: "This year, I definitely qualify as a veteran because I've just turned 40.

"I have no chance of competing against women in their twenties for a place in the Olympics, but I'm just happy to be taking part. It is very enjoyable."

She is hoping that she will receive just as much support for her New Zealand challenge -- but thinks it is unlikely.

Sue said: "I think the novelty might have worn off now and I might struggle to get the money with it not being my first time.

"But I hope to do even better in this race."

Sue is especially grateful to the Bolton Community College, who gave her time off to take part.

"The students have also been really supportive," Sue said: "They were really pleased at my success in Mexico.

"It's not bad for a late starter, is it?"