Manchester Championship Dog Show, G-Mex Centre, Manchester: The Manchester Dog Show Society has organised this major event with events including working and pastoral groups, hounds, utility and toy groups, gun dogs and terriers.

Friday to Sunday

Castle Armoury

Bury Drill Hall, (opposite Steam Railway Station), Bury Town Centre

Antique & Collectors Fair. A wide selection of quality antiques and collectables for sale.

Sunday, adults £1.50 and children/OAPs 70p

Turton Tower

Chapeltown Road, Turton, Bolton

Tudor Life at Turton Tower

The Tudor family will be in the house and talk about the way they live, what they eat and drink and answer your questions on everything you want to know about Tudor life.

Sunday, 1.15pm-3.30pm, adults £3, conc. £1.50 and children free

Club 2000

Lee Lane, Horwich

Search For A Star Talent Contest. Come along and compete in the heats before the Grand Final to be held at Horwich Leisure Centre later in the month. Special prizes for different sections including under 8s, under 12, under 16s and adults. Contact 668884 for an entry form. Sunday, 2pm