I WOULD like to express an alternative view to that of the Rev Michael Williams, Vicar of Bolton Parish Church, in his column of January 27, whose opinions, in my view, are formed more by a wish to be nice to everyone, plus a bit of wishful thinking, than by reality.

Saddam Hussein has caused the deaths of more Muslims than anyone else in the world. He is a thoroughly evil man, a ruthless dictator who rules by fear.

He has already invaded two of his neighbours, and would doubtless do so again given the chance. He has murdered countless numbers of his own people in his persecution of the populations in both the north and south of his country. It being known that approximately one million of the marsh Arabs in the south have been killed by the use of poisoned gas. Many millions have died as a result of his activities.

As for self determination, that is one thing the Iraqi population at present most certainly do not have, as they must do and think exactly as they are told, or they and their families face torture and death. His removal would give them at least the possibility of choosing their own future.

Knowing what we do about him, I am amazed that Muslims living in the free world are not overjoyed at the prospect of his removal from power. Indeed his removal can be considered a humanitarian act, freeing the Iraqi people from his tyrannical rule and the suffering they currently endure. It would ,of course, be a war against terror, and in no way a war against Islam.

I was particularly surprised by the Rev Williams' comments regarding Islamophobia, implying that to refer to these international terrorists as "Muslim terrorists" or "Muslim fundamentalists" cast a slur against our Muslim brothers and sisters.

Really, Mr Williams, are we no longer to speak the truth? For the truth is that these people are Muslims and they do what they do in the name of Islam. To deny reality will do no-one any favours.

To avoid being tainted by association, the Muslims living in the West must stand up and wholeheartedly to condemn Al Qaeda and all the other terrorist groups springing up around the world.

David Haworth

Upper Mead

